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money well spend.independent sexy party animal About me I am a petite female standing at 160cm tall with a bisexual preference in relationships. As a high-class escort, I have long blonde hair and fluent in French. I proudly display my A-cup breasts and captivating blue eyes. My weight ranges between 46kg and 50kg. If you…

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Zhen sexy escort moe

Your ideal private escort About me I am a petite woman standing at less than 5 feet 3 inches tall. I am attracted to both men and women and enjoy the company of high-class companions. My naturally blonde hair and blue eyes complement my A-cup breasts and 48-kilogram weight. Fluent in French, I take pride…

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Have sexual fun together! About me As an independent escort, I strive to be the ideal female companion based on your preferences. Standing at under 5’3″ tall, I am a bisexual individual who values relationships with individuals of all gender identities. I pride myself on being a sophisticated companion with blonde hair, captivating blue eyes,…